The “Wilfrid Moser Foundation”, created in 2005, is an independent foundation under Swiss law with its headquarters in Zürich.
The Foundation aims to preserve, study and promote the work of Wilfrid Moser. It lists and authenticates the artist’s works and participates in their dissemination, by organizing exhibitions and writing or supervising studies.
The Foundation Council preserves and manages all the works left by Wilfrid Moser. Since the establishment of the Foundation, the works still present in the workshops of Paris, Ronco sopra Ascona and Zürich have been grouped together, classified and inventoried by the art historian Tina Grütter. The fund is made up of numerous paintings, assemblages, sculptures and works on paper.
The Foundation Council brings together members of the artist’s family as well as actors from the art world under the chairmanship of art historian and curator Matthias Frehner.